Selah Mumbai

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The Necessary Sin: Part 3

(60 second quick read)

Why do we lie?

A. Because of the obsession with something I desire

Our desires lead us astray. What do we desire? To be accepted by a certain group of people? To get a better position at work? Do we desire lust? All these lead us to a life of lies. Rebekah was paying attention: Isaac was very old, and she was waiting for this moment very patiently. She had planned the act out very deliberately, she knew where the goatskin was, she knew how old Isaac was and how frail his eyesight truly was. It is frightening to see how well she mimicked Satan to deceive her own family. She was obsessed, and it led her to commit one of the most daring acts in the entire Bible. And all to steal a blessing that was already promised by God.

Here’s an exercise for you, dear reader. Answer this as honestly as you can:

I lie because _____________________.

Anything you put in the blank up there is your obsession. Is it about your looking good? Or about making others think you’re a good Christian? Or that you’re like everyone else when you hang out with those who are not believers?

It all comes down to this: are we afraid of what others will think of us if they truly see us for who we are? And do we think that the lie we’re telling is actually better than the truth?

Know this: we cannot build a life of integrity on a foundation of lies. We might get what we want in the short term, but we will lose what really matters. If we wish to build a relationship with anyone based on a lie, we may achieve a certain form of relationship, but what we can’t achieve is intimacy in that relationship. And the same is true for our relationship with our saviour.


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